If you want to go far, go together.
Serious policy initiatives happen when people from opposing views can find common ground.
For more than 10 years, WACC has worked to develop projects and programs for investment that meet the needs of diverse stakeholders. We prioritize advocacy and partnerships that support the common interests of agriculture, conservation, and other interests tied to resources on behalf of a viable and sustainable rural west. Key areas of focus include the Farm Bill, Endangered Species Act, support for voluntary water programs, and tax policies that promote open space and continued viability of family farms and ranches. WACC supports multi-stakeholder processes; no decision, action, or representation is made in the name of the coalition without the agreement of all members of the steering committee.
Policy Papers
July 2023 WACC Farm Bill Priorities
July 2023 Western Agriculture and Conservation Coalition Support for Healthy
Watersheds and Healthy Communities Act
May 2021 Western Water Infrastructure Priorities
Jan 2021 Western Water, Grazing and ESA Priorities
February 2017 WACC Policy Position Consideration Guidelines
May 2016 Position Platform on Federal Species Conservation Policy